Provincial Email Directory

01. Governor's Office - Southern Province

02. Public Services Commission - Southern Province- Southern Province

03. Chief Secretary's Office - Southern Province- Southern Province

04. Management Development Training Institute - Wackwella

05. Planning Secretariate Office - Southern Province Southern Province

06. Engineering Services Office - Southern Province- Southern Province

07. Provincial Revenue Department - Southern ProvinceSouthern Province

08. Chief Ministry - Southern Province- Southern Province

09. Department of Health - Southern Province- Southern Province

10. Department of Ayurvedic - Southern ProvinceSouthern Province

11. Department of Motor Traffic - Southern Province- Southern Province

12. Department of Local Government - Southern Province- Southern Province

13. Road Passenger Transport Authority - Southern Province- Southern Province

14. Development Authority - Southern Province- Southern Province

15. Ruhunu Tourist Bureau - Southern Province- Southern Province

16. Ministry of Agriculture - Southern Province- Southern Province

17. Department of Agriculture - Southern Province- Southern Province

18. Department of Irrigation - Southern Province- Southern Province

19. Department of Cooperative Development - Southern Province- Southern Province

20. Ministry of Fisheries - Southern Province- Southern Province

21. Department of Animal Production - Southern Province- Southern Province

22. Department of Industrial Development - Southern Province- Southern Province

23. Assistant Director of Industrial Development - Galle

24. Industrial Development Authority - Southern Province- Southern Province

25. Ministry of Education - Southern Province- Southern Province

26. Department of Education - Southern Province- Southern Province

27. Road Development Authority - Southern Province- Southern Province

28. Department Land Commissioner - Southern Province- Southern Province

29. Ministry of Sports - Southern Province- Southern Province

30. Department of Social Welfare - Southern Province- Southern Province

31. Southoern Provincial Council

32. Cooperative Employees Commission - Southern Province- Southern Province